Friedrich Jeckeln

Friedrich August Jeckeln was an SSObergruppenfhrer who served as an SS and Police Leader in the occupied Soviet Union during World War II. Jeckeln was the commanding SS General over one of the largest collection of Einsatzgruppen and was personally responsible for ordering and organizing the deaths of over 100,000 Jews, Slavs, Romani, and other undesirables of Nazi Germany. After the end of World War II, Jeckeln was convicted as a war criminal and executed in 1946.

Jeckeln was born in Hornberg, Baden. Upon the outbreak of World War I, Jeckeln was commissioned a Leutnant, serving from 1914 to 1918 first as an artillery officer and then as a pilot trainee. During his World War I service, Jeckeln was awarded the Wound Badge and the Iron Cross 2nd Class.

Source: Wikipedia